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園部 ニコルソノベ ニコル (Nicole Sonobe) 女性 1969年生まれ
2023/12/21 更新


平成 2年12月 University of Queensland (BA) Japanese
平成 3年 4月 慶応義塾大学 (別科)One year Scholarship
平成18年12月 University of Newcastle (MA) App. Linguistics
平成 6年 4月 西九州大学、西九州大学短期大学部 非常勤講師 (平成26年 3月まで)
平成23年 4月 長崎県立大学 経済学部 非常勤講師 (平成27年 3月まで)
平成24年 4月 九州産業大学 LERC 非常勤講師 (平成26年 3月まで)
平成26年 4月 西九州大学 健康栄養学部 健康栄養学科 講師 (現在に至る)
平成31年 4月 佐賀女子短期大学 非常勤講師 (令和 4年 3月まで)
Second Language Education
Global Human Resources education
Technology in language
Study Abroad
【 実績 】Multimodal E-books
(Australia-Japan Foundation Grant)
Reading Assist Software
CEFR-informed Textbook Selection
【 希望 】グローバル人材育成の取り組み
グローバル人材育成教育学会 理事
平成26年 4月 全国語学教育学会JALT (現在に至る)
平成26年 4月 大学英語教育学会JACET (現在に至る)
平成28年 4月 グローバル人材育成教育学会JAGCE (現在に至る)
平成29年 3月 佐賀県スポーツ推進議会委員 (現在に至る)
平成29年 4月 トビタテ!留学Japan日本代表プログラム「地域人材コース」派遣留学生書面審査員 (現在に至る)
平成30年 4月 日本比較教育学会 (現在に至る)
平成30年 6月 佐賀県青年国際交流機構 副会長 (現在に至る)
令和 4年 4月 グローバル人材育成教育学会 理事 (現在に至る)
日本語能力検定試験2級習得 1999
日本語能力検定試験1級習得 2001
水曜日 8:50~12:00


2017/03 成果報告書 共著 西九州大学 生活支援科学教育研究 
Specialized Education, Health and Welfare Program for Global Awareness (グローバル意識のため教育、健康、福祉専門分野のプログラム開発)
2017/03 報告書 共著  
Conference Proceedings: Empowering Tomorrow's STEAM Global Professionals - Nishikyushu University case report
2024/02  単著 グローバル人材育成教育学会 設立10周年記念第11回全国大会JAGCE 32-33
Evaluation of emergency online education at a private rural university during COVID-19 using a CIPP (context, input, process and product) model
2024/01 論文 単著 West Kyushu Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences 16:21-33
 【概要】Objectives: Using a cross-sectional approach, the aim of this study is to evaluate the
emergency online education (EOE) based on the context, input, process and product (CIPP)
model at a private university in Japan. Methods: The source of data was obtained through
an online questionnaire from 158 students and 15 lecturers. The data was analysed using
the Mann-Whitney test and chi-squared test. The responses to the open-ended questions
were coded and put into schematic representation. Results: The findings showed that the
transition to EOE was not seamless, which is understandable as the transitional period
took place within a very short timeframe. The EOE evaluation from both students and lecturers achieved a satisfactory result.
‘Free rein’ to learn about language, culture & technology: a multimodal digital text exchange project between school students in Australia and Japan.
2023/01 Journal 共著 Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, Vol 18:34,1-27 Vol 18:34, 1-27
 【概要】As part of an Australia-Japan Foundation project, school students in Australia and Japan created and exchanged multimodal digital texts (MDTs) in order to learn language through authentic communicative practice, raise intercultural capability, and develop 21stcentury skills and digital literacies. Analysis of teacher and student interview and focus group data using the 4-domain SPeCT (Structures, Practices, Capabilities, and Technologies) model derived from earlier cross-cultural multimodal digital text exchange research revealed that, notwithstanding certain challenges relating to Structures, Capabilities, and Technologies, teachers and students were overwhelmingly positive about the project, whose relatively free nature was seen as fostering learning.

 【Article】Keywords:Multimodal digital text exchanges, digital storytelling, telecollaboration, COIL, autonomy, inclusivity, collaboration, SPeCT
 【共著】Grace Oakley1 *, Mark Pegrum1, Bruce Lander2, Joseph Tomei3, Nicole Sonobe4& Mark deBoer5
An investigation into plurilingual language policy and education スロヴェニアにおける多言語主義の政策と教育に関する考察
2019/01  共著 西九州大学子ども学部紀要 第10号  65-81 第10号  65-81
 【概要】The aim of this paper is to show the lingual diversity in Slovenia by examining the development of Slovene, the structure of language policy and the implementation of foreign language education and curriculum at the primary level. The paper presents an insight into the ethnic and lingual diversity in Slovenia. The analysis of the results of a survey by the European Commission reveals that Slovenians believe that knowing English promotes personal development and improves job opportunities. The findings show that Slovenia’s language policies, education and attitudes are an area of interest for countries where language policies need to be reformed and refined for native speakers, migrants and refugees.
Methods of Target Vocabulary Previewing: the Relationship between Preferences and Academic Scores (ターゲット単語予習ー好みの方法:好みと習得成績の関係)
2017/07 研究ノート 共著 西九州大学健康栄養学部紀要 Vol. 3 (p9-15) Vol. 3 (p9-15)
 【概要】Computer aided language learning (CALL) and more recently Mobile aided language learning (MALL) are an integral part of university English language learning education. Two techniques of vocabulary acquisition were compared and test scores compared.
Computer aided language learning (CALL) and more recently Mobile aided language learning (MALL) are an intergral part of university English language learning education. Two techniques of vocabulary acquistion were compared and test scores compared.
 【共著】Tomohiro Ogata
Evaluation and report of Intensive Communicative English Program (NKB33)
2016/03 研究ノート 単著 西九州大学健康栄養学部紀要 Vol.2 7-13 Vol.2 7-13
 【概要】The opportunity to participate in an Intensive Communicative English Program during the summer vacation is a valuable way for students who have time restrictions due to their majors (non-English) to improve their English skills. This intensive communicative English course shows that students improved in areas such as; confidence in speaking English, ability to make an English presentation, increased vocabulary, improved pronunciation and improved English communication skills. Pre- and post- testing was carried out and the results for testing showed that there was an increase in scores. These results show the importance of conducting an intensive English course and show the need for it to be elective subject in the general curriculum.
Approach to Designing Study Abroad Programs for Global Awareness (グローバル意識を高まるための留学プログラム作成のやり方)
2015/03 研究ノート 単著 西九州大学健康栄養学部紀要 Vol. 1 47-52 Vol. 1 47-52
Empowering Tomorrow's STEAM Global Professionals - Nishikyushu University case report
2024/02 一般発表 単著 グローバル人材育成教育学会設立 10 周年記念第 11 回全国大会 
 【概要】This paper explores the critical role of global professionals in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, and Social Sciences) and leverages OECD PISA scores for Japan to highlight current challenges and opportunities. Emphasizing the significance of collaboration between universities and high schools, particularly in promoting gender diversity, the paper underscores the need for targeted initiatives to encourage girls' participation in STEAM fields. The case report focuses on Nishikyushu University's efforts over recent years, showcasing innovative strategies, programs, and partnerships that have successfully increased female engagement in STEAM disciplines.
The Gap Between Ideals and the Reality of Global Competence Education
2023/03 招待パネリスト - 2022年度第1回愛媛大学国際連携推進機構セミナー・産官学民で考える、VUCA時代に求められるグローバルな資質・能力 
Conference Proceedings: Action Research on Choosing a CEFR-Informed English Textbook
 【概要】This research evaluates action research on selecting a CEFR-informed textbook for English
communication classes at a Japanese university. A list of criteria was made for textbook evaluation, drawing on the literature and the researchers’ experience. 35 textbooks were evaluated, and a textbook was chosen to trial in 2022. The process used and the challenges that arose when evaluating textbooks will be described. Important insights arising from the process will also be examined in detailed.
Vol. 48, p102
 【著作者】Bower, Jack V. Tezukayama University
Conference Proceedings: Glocal Competency Education Perspectives - Current and For the Future
2022/10 Conference Proceedings 単著 The Japan Association for Global Competency Education (JAGCE) The 10th National Commemorative Conference and 3rd International WEB Conference, p 27 
 【概要】In this panel discussion, we will be examining global competency education from the perspective of the teacher/institution and we have invited three speakers who will discuss current education policies, global competency education strategies, and the challenges for the future. The program will start with a brief introduction from the moderator, each speaker will have the floor for 15 minutes, followed by a panel discussion for 15 minutes, Q&A and then the final remarks. We are looking forward to discovering hints and keys for educators both globally and locally.
Rural Education Perspectives in Australia and France
2022/10 研究発表 単著 10th Dubai International Conference on Social Science & Humanities (ICSSH) 
Rural Education Perspectives in Australia and France
2022/10 研究発表 単著 4th Athens International Conference on Social Science & Humanities (ICSSH), p17 p17
 【概要】This study looks at rural schools in Australia and France. It focusses on territories and plurilingualism.
Evaluation of CEFR informed textbooks: Action Research
2022/09 研究発表 単著 4th Athens International Conference on Social Science & Humanities (ICSSH) 
Evaluation of Online Short-Term Study Abroad Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
2022/03 研究発表 - JAGCE 9th National Conference/2nd International Web Conference 
 【概要】What factors contribute to students’ decision to study abroad? For most students the benefits are numerous and advantageous.
This presentation evaluates an online short-term study abroad program conducted by an Australian University. The methods used were questionnaires and interviews of participating students to determine the advantages and disadvantages of embarking on a short-term study abroad experience during a pandemic. Conclusions show that although communication and interaction with the host country was at times challenging, the overall experience was a positive and beneficial one.

Keywords: Short-term Study Abroad, Japanese students, Online education, Global competency education
Conference Proceedings: Evaluation of Online Short-Term Study Abroad Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
2022/03 Conference Proceedings 単著 JAGCE 9th National Conference/2nd International Web Conference, p68-69 
 【概要】This study evaluates an online short-term study abroad (herein STSA) program conducted by an Australian University. The methods used were pre- and post-program questionnaires and post-program interviews of participants to determine the merits and demerits of embarking on a STSA experience during the COVID-19 pandemic.
CEFR-informed Textbook Selection
2021/08 研究発表 - CEFR Action Research Presentation with Anne Burns ONLINE 
かけ巡る~ぼくのまちのやぶさめ~ Galloping Around My Town's YABUSAME
2021/04 翻訳 共著 一般社団法人CLUB RIO ISBN978-4-600-00707-2
◇やぶさめ絵本・馳け巡る 販売サイト
 【協力者】文 永松直子
 【協力者】絵 滑川和代
Japan's Indo-Pacific Strategy and ASEAN : Collaboration or Containment
2021/02 司会 単著 International Seminar Managed by Asian Co-creation Studies, Saga University 
 【概要】Moderator for the International Seminar
Toward the New Normal: Current Educational Situations and International Exchanges in Asia-Pacific Regions and The Impact of COVID-19 on International Student Mobility
2021/02 司会 単著 JAGCE 8th National Conference/1st International Web Conference 
 【概要】Moderator of the Invited Symposium (English Session)
An Investigation into Plurilingual Language Policy and Education in Slovenia
2020/06 発表 単著 6th Singapore- International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH) 
KEYNOTE SPEAKER Communication in the Digital World
2020/06 発表 単著 6th Singapore- International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH) 
 【概要】Invited Keynote Speaker
2019/08 発表 共著 グローバル人材育成教育学会第6回九州支部大会(宮崎大学) 
スロベニアにおける複言語主義の政策と教育に関する考察 An investigation into plurilingual language policy and education
2019/06 学会発表 日本語 - 日本比較教育学会 第55回大会 東京外大, p37 
Global language and cultural exchange using technology in language education (言語教育におけるテクノロジー活用言語と文化交流
2018/10 学会発表 - 3rd ICRTEL Dubai 2018 
Conference Proceedings: Global Language and Cultural Exchange using technology in language education
2018/10 Conference Proceedings 単著 3rd ICRTEL International Conference on Research in Teaching, Education and Learning, p27-28 
 【概要】This research shows that through language and cultural exchange improvements where made in cultural understanding, second language learning and digital literacies. Students made digital e-books, had Skype sessions and exchanged greeting cards.
Multimodal E-books for Language Communication (言語コミュニケーションにおけるのためマルチモーダルe-ブック)
2017/11 発表 - JALT2017 International Conference in Tsukuba 

Designing Pre-departure Orientation : Curriculum Challenges
2017/09 学会発表 - JALT SA SIG TOKYO 

Conference Proceedings: Educating Global Citizens - Challenges and Solutions
2017/08 Conference Proceedings - BAAL 2017, London Conference Proceeding, p131 
Educating Global Citizens: Challenges and Solutions
2017/08 学会発表 - BAAL 2017, London 
Multimodal E-books for Language and Cultural Exchange using Technology in Language Education (言語教育におけるテクノロジー活用の言語教育や交流のためマルチモーダルe-ブック
2017/05 学会発表 - 7th ICLEI, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam 
 【概要】This project is funded by the Australia-Japan Foundation. Digital stories about culture and daily life were shared between Australian and Japanese school children. This presentation was about the project between Perth, Australia and Saga, Japan.

Multimodal E-books for Language and Cultural Exchange using Technology in Language Education
2017/05 Conference Proceedings 単著 7th International Conference on Language, Education and Innovation (ICLEI) p 7 Vol. 7, p 7
 【概要】This project is funded by the Australia-Japan Foundation. Digital stories about culture and daily life were shared between Australian and Japanese school children. This presentation was about the project between Perth, Australia and Saga, Japan.
Conference Proceedings: Reforming University English Education for Educating Global Human Resources (Nishikyushu University: case study)
2016/12 Conference Proceedings 単著 グローバル人材育成教育学会 The Japan Association for Global Competency Education 第3回九州支部大会 Vol. 3, p30-31 Vol. 3, p30-31
 【概要】This paper explains the English education reforms being conducted at Nishikyushu University and is a case study.
2016/12   第3回九州支部大会、熊本高等専門学校 
Methods of Target Previewing (ターゲット単語予習方法)
2016/11 学会発表 - ETA ROC Taipei 
 【概要】This is presentation was about vocab scores of students using online app Quizlet at a private university in Japan in 2016

Conference Proceedings: Target Vocab Previewing: Preferences and Scores (ターゲット単語予習ー好みの方法と成績の関係)
2015/05 Conference Proceedings 単著 2015 Korea TESOL National Conference, Vol. 1, p27 Vol. 1, p27
 【概要】This research looks at student's preference for using online study methods and the relationship to their academic scores.
Target Vocab Previewing: Preferences and Scores (ターゲット単語予習ー好みの方法と成績の関係)
2015/05 学会発表 - The 2015 Korea TESOL National Conference 
 【概要】This research looks at student's preference for using online study methods and the relationship to their academic scores.

Efforts to Send Students Out Into the World (学生を海外に送り込む取り組み)
2014/08 学会ポスター - The JACET 53rd International Convention 
Efforts to Send Students Out Into the World: a poster which explains the details of study abroad at Nishikyushu University.
【研究テーマ】 フランス農村地域における学校教育の特長-子ども・若者の学習を中心にー
【研究分野】 教育
【研究キーワード】 農村学校教育
【研究概要】 今日、農村学校への視線は、単に人口減少に対応した学校統廃合の問題だけでなく、農村学校における子どもの学習の質へと向けられるように
【研究テーマ】 CEFR based textbooks
【研究分野】 外国語
【研究キーワード】 CEFR
【研究概要】 CEFRレベルにあったテキストブックを検証する研究
【研究テーマ】 多読アシストシステム 共同
【研究分野】 外国語教育、英語教育、多読
【研究概要】 オンライン教材開発
【共同研究可能なテーマ】 多読システム
【研究テーマ】 多言語学習得
【研究分野】 第二か国語、第三か国語
【研究キーワード】 言語習得法、外国語教育
【研究概要】 スロベニアをはじめ調査し、アジアの状況の調べや今後日本でも多言語学の検討をしていく必要がある。
【共同研究可能なテーマ】 マルチリンガル、プルリリンガル
【研究テーマ】 応用言語学
【研究分野】 複言語主義、外国語教育、異文化コミュニケーション
【研究キーワード】 生涯学習、第二言語教育
【研究概要】 応用言語学の枠の中に、特に副言語主義の政策と教育に関する研究行っている。海外の教育と政策を調べ、日本での言語教育はどうであるべきなのかを探っている最中。「母国語は実力、外国語は努力」よく耳にするが、その根拠についてデータとって母国語と外国語との関係性や関連性を研究していきたい。
【研究テーマ】 グローバル人材育成教育
【研究テーマ】 Developing Study Abroad Programs
【研究分野】 study abroad
【研究キーワード】 pre and post seminars, global human resources
【研究概要】 This research looks at the programs for study abroad in 2013 at Nishikyushu Uni. Next, it looks at the results of a post study abroad questionnaire completed by students who studied abroad. Finaly it looks at what programs and strategies should be embraced to increase students' global awareness.
【共同研究可能なテーマ】 study abroad program design, global human resource education
【研究テーマ】 Online Language Software Evaluation
【研究分野】 Language and Technology (CALL)
【研究概要】 This study looks at vocabulary acquisition using free online software available on PCs and/or tablets/cell phones. Approximately 160 freshman enrolled in English Conversation 1and 2 filled out a questionnaire comparing traditional methods of studying vocab as opposed to using free software QUIZLET.
令和 4年 4月から 
令和 4年 4月から 

令和 3年10月から 
令和 3年10月から 
令和 2年 6月から 令和 2年 8月まで
佐賀県地域交流部国際課 佐賀県の多文化共生の推進にかかる勉強会のメンバー
令和 2年 4月から 
NPO佐賀国際交流支援協会 理事長
日 時:10月9日(水)10:30-12:00
場 所:佐賀キャンパス 健康福祉・生涯学習センター2階

平成31年 4月から 令和元年 5月まで
Tobitate 留学Japan日本代表プログラム「地域人材コース」に係る派遣留学生選考委員
平成31年 3月から 
内閣府 第46回「東南アジア青年の船」事業
平成30年10月から 平成30年11月まで
健康栄養学科 園部ニコル
平成30年 4月から 平成30年 5月まで
Tobitate 留学Japan日本代表プログラム「地域人材コース」に係る派遣留学生選考委員
平成29年 8月

会場:西九州大学 佐賀キャンパス 

平成29年 3月から 

会場:熊本高等専門学校 八代キャンパス 



平成28年 2月


The 2nd Discuss-ENG was held on December 13,2015 in the Saga campus ALS. 33 students particpated in listening to talks by foreign exchange students about Christmas in their country. After that students got into major groups and discussed their major.

平成27年 3月から 平成29年 3月まで
平成27年 2月
The 1st Discuss-ENG was held on February 15 in the ALS. 22 students particpated in listening to talks about overseas study, playing icebreaking activities, taking part in discussions, enjoying afternoon tea and making a Valentine's Day card.

東南アジア青年の船の参加青年30名と西九州大学生15名と神園キャンパスで交流会を企画した。体育館で青年による国や衣装の紹介をしていただいた。西九大の学生2人による剣道の紹介もあった。次は、学生ホールでdiscussion行った。Discussion Topic 「私の夢」英語で行った。

平成26年 5月から 
ENGLUNCH 英会話クラッブ
Englunch was started by myself and Takeshi Fukumoto from May, 2014. We want to give students a chance to speak in English. Over the past year approximately 45 students have joined at some time. Students from all departments and all ages have joined.
Why don't you join us?!

※ 健康栄養学部・健康福祉学部・リハビリテーション学部に関しては
Tel. 0952-52-4191
※ 子ども学部・短期大学部に関しては
Tel. 0952-31-3001
※ 看護学部に関しては
Tel. 0952-37-0249